Mission & Vision

We exist to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

As a church, we are called to carry out the Great Commission and the Great Commandment, and our mission statement was created to capture both of these critical mandates.

Our mission drives everything we do, from the ministries we provide to the resources we produce. We hope this calling serves as an invitation to actively participate with us in the work of the Lord rather than remain a passive observer.

Love God.

We love God by growing in our knowledge of Him and living in worshipful obedience to His Word.

We love people by imitating Jesus and inviting the broken and suffering to receive hope and care.

Love people.
Make disciples.

We make disciples by proclaiming the powerful gospel message—that Jesus Christ lived in perfect obedience to the Father, was crucified for our sin, was resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit, ascended into heaven, and will one day return to make all things new.

Our 2030 Vision

Here’s a snapshot of what we are currently working toward. We hope and pray that in 2030, this can be said of Life Touch Community Church:

"We are a warm and inclusive community where hundreds of individuals come to know Jesus Christ and grow in the grace of the gospel. Our aim is to build a diverse community of people of all ages and walks of life, collectively discovering our purpose and place within God's plan. Every week, we have the privilege of influencing the lives of hundreds of children and students and helping people of all ages become devoted followers of Christ.

Over the next five years, our goal is to celebrate 150 baptisms. We envision Life Touch as a sanctuary where the broken and hurting can find hope and support and where marriages are healed and strengthened by God. We are committed to equipping and empowering wholehearted leaders and disciples to make a difference in their homes, neighbourhoods, cities, and beyond. With the establishment of two new campuses, we now have three, and our goal is to share the gospel's message with over 1,000 individuals through our campuses and missionary efforts."

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